Important InformationEach child is allocated a keyperson who supports and records your child’s learning and development progress using observations and artwork. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and present our findings in a Learning Journal.
Parents are welcome to view this at any time.
The areas of learning and development comprises of three Prime Areas:-
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development: making relationship; self-confidence and self-awareness; managing feelings and behaviour
- Physical Development: moving and handling; health & self-care
- Communication and Language: listening and attention; understanding; speaking
And four Specific Areas:-
- Literacy: reading; writing
- Understanding the World: people and communities; the world
- Mathematics: numbers; shape, space and measure
- Expressive Art & Design: exploring and using media and materials; being imaginative.
To assist us with a child’s Speech & Language development we screen children during their first half term with us, using the WellComm Speech and Language Toolkit.
Assessment of their receptive and expressive language can last between 10-15 minutes. Using targeted questions focused on picture cards, we can assess their understanding of what is being said to them and how they communicate this back to us.
Regardless of ability, the Wellcomm system allows us to track the progress of all children in the class and identify areas of concern relating to communication and language.
Where necessary, plans are put in place to support a child’s communication and language with information and guidance offered and shared with parents.
Our committee of volunteer parents manages the pre-school. They are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Committee is responsible for setting and collecting fees, employing and paying staff, providing premises and equipment, implementing and overseeing policies & procedures, ensuring the safety of the children and the quality of care and learning experiences provided. Regular fundraising is essential to top up the income from fees and ensure the viability of the group in the long-term. Parental involvement is fully welcomed and sought.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to be part of the Committee.
Useful Links
To develop your child’s communication skills and find out about their amazing learning development.
Hunsdon as a village is expanding and the pre-school needs to evolve to better serve our children and the future of our children. Our view is to expand our premises so that we can continue to provide the enabling play environment; learning opportunities and services that we offer to you and your children.
We do receive partial Government funding, but we still rely heavily on fundraising to top up and support our daily running costs.
We welcome any fundraising support from our families.
- Do you have any fundraising ideas?
- Are you part of a company / organisation that participate in matching donations?
- Are you able to source exciting raffle prize donations from your employees or personal contacts?
- Do you have any free time to volunteer at events? As much or as little time as you can give would be welcomed.
Please do let us know if you would be happy to help.
Below are some of the year-round fundraisers that we participate in :-
Bag 2 School
We collect unwanted textiles such as clothes, shoes, bags, old sheets etc and send them away to earn money per KG. If you have any unwanted textiles, please bag them up and pop them into the small shed with the Bag 2 School poster on the front of it.
NO duvets or pillows please.
Sign up and nominate Hunsdon Ducklings Pre-school as your cause and start generating free cash donations with every online purchase.
Name your child’s clothes with Stikins personalised labels. Quote 10330 when ordering to allow us to receive a percentage of sales.
All additional fundraising events will be advertised throughout the year.
‘The well-planned curriculum provides an opportunity for all children to make progress from their starting points. Staff recognise the need for the curriculum to be flexible and adapt their teaching to meet the emerging enquiries that children present.
Experiences are rich and ambitious, providing children with opportunities to deepen and broaden their existing knowledge and skills, such as when they grow plants and visit the local aerodrome.’