About Us

We enable children to develop socially,
physically and intellectually

Hunsdon Ducklings Pre-school opened in 1996. We are a registered charity (1042209) with a constitution approved by the Charities Commission and the Early Years Alliance.


We are a committee run, non-profit making organisation.


Our pre-school provides learning opportunities for children aged between 2 years 9 months and 4 years. Sessions run from the hours of 9am to 3pm and are held in a purpose-built portacabin classroom to the rear of Hunsdon JMI School. The setting has a small outdoor play area, and we are lucky enough to have access to the school’s playground and outdoor equipment.  Our premises have disabled access.

Wraparound care is provided at our breakfast club (7:30am – 9am) and afterschool club (3:15pm – 5:30pm) for children attending the pre-school and the children of Hunsdon JMI School (Reception to Yr 6).


We are committed to the principle of inclusive learning and we use our best endeavours to secure a special educational provision for children whom this is required, through our dedicated SEN Co-ordinator, Lynn Barnett (Pre-school Manager).

Following their time with us, most of the children, although not all, progress to Hunsdon JMI School.


We have good links with the school which ensures a smooth transition for all the children who are rising 4, with weekly visits to the Early Entry and Reception class for a group story and Music and Movement.


Our last Ofsted inspection was in February 2019 where we received a ‘Good’ rating.


We follow the policies set out by the Early Years Alliance, all of which are readily available for parents to read through, and which can be found in the Policies Folder in our foyer.

Early Years Alliance
Early Years Alliance
Send 0-25 years
Staff are kind, caring and respond positively to children.

Children demonstrate that they are happy, confident learners. Staff are sensitive to children’s individual needs, making sure they feel safe and secure and have a positive experience when they seperate from their parents.

OFSTED report, 4th February 2019